🤝 Team
Get in touch
The ROCK was conceived by Szilvia and Gjalt-Jorn (see more below). Contact us at info@rock.science!
People who ROCK! 🤘
- Dorottya Árva (Semmelweis University, Hungary)
- Jamie Boisvenue (University of Alberta, Canada)
- Krisztina Csajbók-Veres (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
- Rik Crutzen (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
- Dia Dunai (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
- Anna Jeney (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine)
- Rogers Kaliisa (University of Oslo, Norway)
- Szilárd Dávid Kovács (Semmelweis University, Hungary)
- Dávid Major (Semmelweis University, Hungary)
- Samvel Mkhitaryan (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
- Valentina Nachtigall (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
- Kate Scheuer (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
- Jennifer Scianna (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
- Tuğçe Varol (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
- Gjalt-Jorn Peters (Open University, the Netherlands)
- Szilvia Zörgő (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
- … (more info to come soon!)
Co-developers who ROCK! 🤘
- Anastasiia Kostiv
- Roman Vaseruk
The ROCK story 🎸
The conference of the European Health Psychology Society in 2018 was special for many reasons, and one of these was a legendary conference dinner. At that dinner, Szilvia Zörgő and Gjalt-Jorn Peters met and found out that they shared a fertile combination of overlapping interests and complementary experiences and skills. After the conference, they stayed in touch, and this is how the Reproducible Open Coding Kit was born.
It started with a convenient way to produce qualitative data tables for use with Epistemic Network Analysis, and was soon expanded into a standard for coded qualitative data and an R package to process such files.