[[uid=75rdffsm]] WHO: COVID-19 threatens us all, whoever we are, wherever we live. [[uid=75rdffsn]] Now more than ever, the ooo needs WHO. [[uid=75rdffsp]] To build a healthier world: FOR YOU, FOR EVERYONE! [[uid=75rdffsq]] Deena: when mankind stops killing the UNBORN then maybe God will lift this pandemic from us. [[uid=75rdffsr]] Man reaps what he sows. [[uid=75rdffss]] Did we honestly think God was going to just look the other way when millions upon millions have killed the UNBORN. [[uid=75rdffst]] Dean: Give me a break! [[uid=75rdffsw]] Ghusss: Killing is always wrong [[uid=75rdffsx]] Stephanie: they can not help anyone at all. [[uid=75rdffsy]] we need to help ourselves. [[uid=75rdffsz]] that is the only thing that will help. [[uid=75rdfft0]] vaccines is not an option, they are wasting time on developing that. [[uid=75rdfft1]] vaccines are filled with all kinds of crap that makes you more sick in the long run [[uid=75rdfft2]] Sara: Agreed [[uid=75rdfft3]] Tufi: Need more time to develop a good vaccine [[uid=75rdfft4]] Sopharith: Let's all help to stop the virus from spreading. [[uid=75rdfft5]] Avoid contact. [[uid=75rdfft6]] Vivienne: they dont want to help you, they want to help themselves to your country. [[uid=75rdfft7]] Jack: All about the money [[uid=75rdfft8]] Theodore: WHO doesn't make vaccines they makes excuses. [[uid=75rdfft9]] Fred: Word. [[uid=75rdfftb]] John: Enough of their excuses! [[uid=75rdfftc]] WE are on our own [[uid=75rdfftd]] William: Give your life to Christ now before it becomes too late [[uid=75rdfftf]] Basher: We must protecting ourselves from covid19 and hearing advices [[uid=75rdfftg]] Raj: Wear a good #mask and protect yourself and others around you... [[uid=75rdffth]] Alanna: Total Feardemic. [[uid=75rdfftj]] Con job all the way. [[uid=75rdfftk]] Vilma: This is no joke! [[uid=75rdfftl]] Half my family has gotten sick!!! [[uid=75rdfftm]] Dagg: Con can feel real [[uid=75rdfftn]] Carlton: The only thing that came out of the management of this pandemic whether by the WHO or governments, is the destruction of the economies and the loss of personal freedom!!! [[uid=75rdfftp]] So no, we don't need you. [[uid=75rdfftq]] Herma: Thanks WHO for all the Efforts... [[uid=75rdfftr]] Celene: Yes, thank you! [[uid=75rdffts]] Marie: Where was WHO at the beginning of this virus? [[uid=75rdffss]] Too little too late!! [[uid=75rdfftt]] WHO: Why are experts concerned about COVID-19 and antibiotics and why you should care? [[uid=75rdfftw]] Ramil: Science doesn't care what you believe, Science cares how much you pay for what you believe...And the ones that own WHO have the all money of the world!!! [[uid=75rdfftx]] Sabbie: Science is neutral! [[uid=75rdffty]] Science is NOT about money!!! [[uid=75rdfftz]] Fyt: Science is also full of interests! [[uid=75rdffw0]] Just like the real world! [[uid=75rdffw1]] Jackie: I have always known that you don't treat a virus with antibiotics. [[uid=75rdffw2]] I know that in some countries you don't need a prescription to get antibiotics! [[uid=75rdffw3]] This is great information for people to know. [[uid=75rdffw4]] Cylo: C’mon this was soooo basic!! [[uid=75rdffw5]] Saroj: WHO should do their service independently without any one's influence otherwise fundamental structure will be collapsed. [[uid=75rdffw6]] Current circumstances has hit fundamental ethos of WHO. [[uid=75rdffw7]] Mohd: Thanks Dr.Hanann to provide knowledge about antibiotics. [[uid=75rdffw8]] Hosanna: Wearing masks , washing hands , avoide going out is Best Antibiotics Which covid-19 thought us [[uid=75rdffw9]] Baljinder: Every time clean with soap & sanitizer. [[uid=75rdffwb]] Mask important. [[uid=75rdffwc]] George: AND social distancing!!! [[uid=75rdffwd]] Carry: These aint worth nothin [[uid=75rdffwf]] Khan: In India Azithromycin prescribed by almost every doctors irrespective of its need in common cold and fever....our doctors are become the agent of death. [[uid=75rdffwg]] David: Wow, been in medicine 28 years, and after watching this I feel like I had a seizure. [[uid=75rdffwh]] Danny: Why? [[uid=75rdffwj]] u not being clear [[uid=75rdffwk]] Gustav: What do you think? [[uid=75rdffwl]] Non-sense everywhere! [[uid=75rdffwm]] Lanam: Very informative thanks to both. [[uid=75rdffwn]] Dobris: I don't care anymore [[uid=75rdffwp]] Rajesh: WHO...business with China. [[uid=75rdffwq]] Nanny4u: China always cuts da best deals [[uid=75rdffwr]] Nawang: trying to sell off the vaccines lol how much did you get paid for this? [[uid=75rdffws]] Beri: more than u will eva make total [[uid=75rdffwt]] Neta: wonder whose pocket will end up in